Bridge Piercing

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Seeking out a unique new look? A Bridge piercing is a facial piercing that’s placed horizontally through the bridge of the nose, usually between the eyes. Creating a bold, eye-catching look, the bridge piercing is rising in popularity for its bold aesthetic possibilities.


This is a pro-level piercing, meaning our expert piercers know that it’s essential for the jewelry to be inserted perfectly straight. The flat service fee for the procedure is $50, and jewelry starts at $40. Gold and gemmed options are also available for an additional charge. 


A bridge piercing typically needs about 6–12 weeks to fully heal, though individual recovery times can vary. Proper aftercare is crucial for a successful recovery and to avoid any issues. We recommend that you clean the bridge piercing twice daily with saline or a gentle soap solution—steering clear of any pressure or trauma to the area—and avoiding unnecessary contact or twisting of the jewelry. By adhering to these care instructions, you can ensure a smooth healing process and confidently enjoy your new facial piercing. 


Placing a bridge piercing requires precision, as it involves puncturing the skin on the nose's bridge while carefully avoiding major blood vessels and nerves. We use this meticulous approach to make sure the procedure is both safe and comfortable. Generally, the piercing is positioned higher on the bridge to allow for the best possible jewelry placement and minimize the chances of migration or rejection. 

Bridge Piercing

You can book your Bridge piercing with the calendar to the right by selecting your chosen highly trained, friendly, and experienced piercer and hitting the "Search" button. 


a drawing of a bridge piercing that links to a page with more info